Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Challenge - Save the World

[First the disclaimer: If you like coloring over your gray hair and don't want to change, then you shouldn't. This post is not meant for you. I'm not saying everyone should stop coloring their hair. If you like it, rock on!...however, you can also participate in the challenge!]

Ok, saving the world IS a big challenge. But we can do it.

If you WANT to quit coloring over your gray hair, but are nervous or uncomfortable about it, come on in ! Let's take all the time, energy and expense we put into coloring our hair and use it for something else. Something good. We can change the world, one gray head at a time. Think of the energy, determination and passion we could put into motion!

What is it that you've always wanted to do, or a cause you've always wanted to help. While your gray is growing in, use all the energy and anxiety you might have about your hair looking kinda "funky" and funnel it into a project or issue of your choice. The idea is to get our minds off of our hair and onto something that really matters. It has worked for me so far. I've been growing out my gray for about 3 months, I have about 1 1/2 inches of gray roots. Sure people look at my hair and think whatever it is they are going to think. I actually don't care, because I am charged up about the project I am working on.

Let's say NO to peer pressure !
Let's make our OWN cultural norm !

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